Creativity Within Tradition

utsushiIwasawa Oriental Arts is pleased to present a digital publication on Japanese lacquered arts centered on the tradition of 写 utsushi and an exhibition to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the gallery. This project embodies the strong motivation to present the true nature of creativity within tradition, which is deeply embedded in Japanese culture. The digital publication will utilize the latest technology in digital media and serve as a vehicle to educate a wider audience on the importance and soul of utsushi.

This book is being offered as a free research resource to the public and is a way to express our gratitude to society for their support of Iwasawa Oriental Art over the last 30 years.

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写 What is Utsushi?

An attribute of the Japanese tradition of inspiration, in which contemporary artists to emulate the forms, aesthetics, and spirit observed in the work of past artisans. Learn more at Wikipedia.

“In doing Utsushi of a classic piece, I feel it is the way to understand its essence. If one does not possess the level of skill that can surpass the original object, however, one cannot produce a proper work of Utsushi”— Maehata Gaho古典を写す事が、すなわち奥義を究める道であると考えます。本歌に勝る技量がなければ、きちんとした写しはできません” 前端雅峯

Learn more about the art of lacquer (English PDF)

Learn more about the art of lacquer (Japanese PDF)